Mobile Apps

Voice Grammar

Voice Grammar

An interactive voice-based English learning app.

Development Period: 1 month

Technologies Used: Flutter, Firebase

Study Field

Study Field

An AI-powered learning app providing instant feedback on answers.

Development Period: 3 months

Technologies Used: Flutter, Firebase

Web Apps

Yasai App

Yasai App

An app connecting producers and consumers to purchase and pick up fresh vegetables directly from the field.

Development Period: 3 months

Technologies Used: Flutter, Firebase, Stripe API

Math Learning App

Math Learning App

A multilingual learning app covering elementary to high school mathematics, designed for children worldwide.

Development Period: 3 months

Technologies Used: Flutter

Web Systems



A novel e-commerce platform simplifying product sales through link sharing.

Development Period: 5 months

Technologies Used: HTML, Tailwind CSS, Flutter, Firebase, Stripe API

Attendance Management System

Attendance Management System

A system for construction workers to clock in/out and manage paid leave requests via smartphone, especially for those who often commute directly to sites.

Development Period: 2 weeks

Technologies Used: Flutter, Firebase


Nakatsu Station Famous Shops

Nakatsu Station Famous Shops

Website for the Nakatsu City Souvenir Sales Cooperative, selling popular souvenirs at JR Nakatsu Station.

Development Period: 1 month

Technologies Used: HTML, Tailwind CSS

HINATA Refresh & Reboot Salon

HINATA Refresh & Reboot Salon

Website for a salon in Usa City, Oita Prefecture, offering ultimate relaxation for mind and body.

Development Period: 1 month

Technologies Used: HTML, Tailwind CSS

Server Field

Server Field

A website explaining rental servers in an easy-to-understand manner.

Development Period: Continuously updated

Technologies Used: WordPress

Inkan Field

Inkan Field

A website selling handcrafted seals made by artisans in China, the birthplace of seals.

Development Period: Continuously updated

Technologies Used: WordPress, Stripe

Other IT Tools & Systems

Isometry Translation Support Tool

Isometry Translation Support Tool

Developed Isometry, a translation support tool enabling speedy and high-quality translations. Adopted by Deloitte Tohmatsu for a translation project. (Currently copyrighted by another company)

Development Period: 3 years

Technologies Used: Java, Google Cloud

Order Management System

Order Management System

A membership-based e-commerce site and order management system. Displayed in English for overseas buyers. Supports product management, customer management, email distribution, chat functionality, report generation, and catalog output.

Development Period: 3 months

Technologies Used: Flutter, Firebase

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